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Akashic Alignment's Services

Barbara's Services & Fees

Get to Know Your Spirit Guides

Fortune Telling

Spirit Guides are some of the funniest and nicest people you will ever meet.  What?  You have not met your guides?  Coach with me and I will introduce you to your guides.  I will tell you how many inner circle guides you have (the ones you hired before you came) and what jobs they help you with in this life.  We will learn their names and what they look like.  But even more important I will give you some message from them.  This coaching will set you one the road to getting to know them and how you can speak with them everyday.


Why do you need to know them?  They help guide you in this life to make choices that align to your Divine Soul Blueprint.  Not sure what that is?  We will talk about that too.  One more thing...they won't butt into your life.  You have to ask for their guidance.  Life is so much easier and balanced when you work with your very own Spiritual Board of Directors.  Click the button below to contact me..


Spirit Guide Consultation



Stones of Meaning

Akashic Consultation

Personal Energy Analysis and Energy Clearing

The Akashic Consultation examines your 5th dimension energies and Core Soul Powers. We also clear the energies in what I like to call, your "Karmic Backpack", that are holding you back.  We discuss your top three Core Soul Powers and how you can leverage them for greater happiness and satisfaction in life. The Akashic Consultation is at least an hour and half in length. You also receive a comprehensive written report that covers all we discuss during your consultation as well as a follow up call.  

$ 199



Having Trouble Figuring Out Life...You need an

Business Energy Consultation

Businesses Have Energies Too!

The business energy consultation provides you with an energetic overview of your business that is designed to assist you to focus on any areas that need energetic attention.  I ask you to set a monthly or yearly financial goal. Using your financial metric, I check the areas of Sales, Marketing, Systems, Clients, Products/Services and Processes to see if those areas are aligned with your financial goal.  If not, then you know exactly where to focus your attention. This energetic review is so enlightening! This process can really help to improve your bottom line!

The consultation includes  the written audit report, planning workbook and 3 coaching sessions to create a plan of action to create alignment.


Can be broken into 4 payments.


On going business coaching is $125/hr as needed.

Credit Assessment

The Life Situation Consultation

Banish Limiting Beliefs

Our day to day choices in life are governed by a set of rules that I l call, "The Life Playbook".  The rules in your Playbook help you to make choices in your life.  The rules in you Life Playbook are created by beliefs and thoughts that we create, or are given to us by others and society.


I often find that we do things over and over without thinking if what we are doing is helping us to make good choices that lead to a happy life.  When our choices are driven by beliefs and thoughts that do not serve us, it is time to take a closer look at the energies governing your thoughts and actions.


A Life Situation Consultation focuses on finding the beginning of a negative thought or belief and why it is showing up in your life.  In other words, what is causing you the problems or situations you are experiencing in your life?


We will look into the Akashic Records and find the origin and the reason the situation was created.  This coaching  is a comprehensive review of third dimension blocks and restrictions.  The consultation will be a minimum of 1 1/2 hours and you will also receive a comprehensive report of the energies found.









Coach With Me!


What Is Your Direction?

Do You Need Some Extra Motivation?



Coach with me to further leverage your personal soul powers to create a life of abundance, happiness and passion. There are so many directions you can go. Let's discover your "True North".


$ 135 for 1 1/2 hour coaching.

$ 350 for a 4 hour package.

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