What Can You Expect From An Akashic Consultation?
I use the information found in the Akashic Records to assist my clients to align their personal energies. When your energies are aligned, satisfaction, success and happiness in life grows expotentially.
We all have blocking energies held in our fifth dimensional Akashic Records. These energies are there to hold us back and get in our way, each and every day. Many of my clients tell me they clearly feel these blocking energies. While you can practice third dimension healing modalities, not until you actually go to the Akashic Records will you be able to discover and release these energies.
Why do you have these energies? When earth asked the lightworksers 100,000 years ago to incarnate on earth to help her raise her energies back into the fifth dimension, we were required to take on some form of blocking energy before we could incarnate on earth.
As high energy light beings, we were prevented from fully experiencing the full power of our souls because we were incarnating into a third dimensional experience. We had to "dummy down" our energies.
As an Akashic Couch, I access the data held in my client's Akashic Records and to help them to discover what blocking energies reside there that are preventing you from discovering and using the true power that resides within you.
In addition, your Akashic Consultation will help you to discover the true nature of the perfection of your soul energies so you can determine how to proceed in life and always know what direction is right for you. No more guessing if you are on the right path. You can also verify if the path you are on is also right.
If you are seeking a Business Consultation, I accesses the future potential in your records to determine how aligned six key areas in your business are to meeting your financial goals.
When energies are aligned, success, happiness and satisfaction grow in your life. Stop wondering if you are on track in life, let's find out!
More About Barbara...

Before embarking on my intuitive coaching career, I spent over 25 years working in the legal profession as a corporate legal advisor.
After leaving my legal career behind, I learned about the Akashic Records in a personal coaching experience. The information I learned and put to use in my life brought profound, positive, changes to my life. I stopped struggling with knowing my path and purpose and I was able to give up some behaviors that were really holding me back. (Read "My Story" on the Akashic Weightloss Page.) As I reflected on my own transformations I realized that I wanted to become a student of the Akashic Records in order to help others grow and transform. I studied the protocols diligently and became a certified "Soul Realignment" practitioner.
Over the past 12 years I have coached over 1,000 clients. I am still amazed and humbled by how the knowledge gained from the Akashic Records can transform people's lives. I am so grateful to be able to guide my clients to learn about their core soul gifts and to help them eliminate energies that have blocked their way to living their best life ever.
Let's talk about how the power and wisdom of the Akashic Records can help you to align and bring balance to your life or business. What energies are blocking you in life?

The Personal Energy Consultations - $165
Personal Energy Consultations include, Akashic Energy Consultations, Spirit Guide Consultations, Past Life and Manifesting Blueprint Consultations. These consultations are designed to improve your personal energies for greater satisfaction and happiness in life.

The Business Energy Consultation - $185
Business Consultations include examining six key areas of your business, checking they are aligned to your financial goals. When you know which aspects are out of alignment, you can then laser focus your attention to bring them into alignment again. This process results in improving your bottom line. You will also get a personal Akashic Consultation and energy clearing.
It is the energy of your business that either draws your customers in, or chases them away!